President Biden has signed “Juneteenth National Independence Day” into law. This was a great first step, of many, in the right direction — now is not the time to pat ourselves on the back. It’s time to go further.
It’s not enough to have federal holidays acknowledging the struggles of Black Americans. We also need strong policies that fight back against a long-standing history of systemic oppression. Police brutality, voter suppression efforts, and the need for reparations — these are just some of the issues Congress needs to address.
Add your name to tell President Biden and Congress to tackle America’s plague of systemic racism in a real and meaningful way!
While Republicans continue to attempt to push our country in the opposite direction, Democrats can seize this momentum and fight for policies that work to counter damage done by centuries of oppression against Black Americans, many of which continue to this day. Juneteenth should absolutely be recognized. What should also be recognized, however, are the countless inequities that continue to plague Black Americans. It’s time for Congress to put their money where their mouth is.
America needs policies that acknowledge and rectify centuries of ongoing abuse. Sign your name and demand our leaders do more for Black communities.