Robert F. Kennedy Jr. launched a campaign for president against Joe Biden, and it is as dangerous as it is laughable. His MAGA-fueled campaign trail has included appearances and interviews with the likes of Joe Rogan, Elon Musk, and Jordan Peterson, looking to secure the votes of the weird conspiratorial corners of the internet.
Unluckily for RFK Jr., it’s fair to say that most people in America are not looking for a guy claiming that Wi-Fi causes cancer and “leaky brain” to lead them. If we wanted to elect a transphobe who says chemicals in the water are turning children trans — Alex Jones would already be done with his second term. RFK Jr.’s ridiculous ideology doesn’t belong anywhere near the national stage, and the normalization of his thought is incredibly dangerous.
RFK Jr. and his campaign don’t care about fact checking, they care about building a movement off of fear-mongering and conspiracy. If we don’t stop them now, their harmful language might do serious damage.
Sign your name to demand Robert F. Kennedy Jr. drop his ludicrous campaign!
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