Somehow, the highest court in the land is not subject to any kind of code of ethics, and recent events have made it clear that this is a huge problem.
Clarence Thomas enjoys lavish vacations with his billionaire sugar daddy, Neil Gorsuch gets sweetheart real estate deals, Brett Kavanaugh goes on plush foreign trips funded by dark money laundered through law schools — all perks from dark-money donors with business before the court.
Tell Congress it's time for a Supreme Court code of ethics!
It makes zero sense that every single judge in the country must follow a code of ethics except for the ones whose decisions can change the course of American history.
While the justices scurry to amend their disclosure forms and cry innocence, it's obvious that corruption permeates the Supreme Court and must immediately be dealt with by the Congress.
Demand Congress impose an ethics code on Trump’s corrupt Supreme Court Justices!
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