Nobody should have power for their entire lives — but that’s exactly what Supreme Court justices enjoy with their lifetime appointments. Immune from accountability or backlash from the public,our current system allows radical right-wing judges like Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Clarence Thomas to impose their ideological agendas on an unwilling nation with no recourse for the public.
Donald Trump won the 2016 election on a razor-thin margin, and thanks to legislative obstruction by Republicans and the untimely death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Trump has been allowed to stack the court with right-wing extremists that could hold power until at least 2065. That is beyond unacceptable!
Pass term limits for the Supreme Court!
Justice Samuel Alito is celebrating his 18th year of undercutting our fundamental freedoms and advancing his theocratic beliefs on the court. If we had 18-year-term limits, as proposed in the Supreme Court Tenure Establishment and Retirement Modernization (TERM) Act, we’d be celebrating his retirement.
Our country and its people cannot afford another three decades of conservative control over the Supreme Court. If this nation ever wants to think about passing progressive legislation and not having it be immediately shot down by right-wing radicals on the most tenuous of legal arguments, we need term limits ASAP.
Demand term limits for the Supreme Court!
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By signing this petition, you may receive periodic updates from atAdvocacy and its partners. You may unsubscribe at any time. For more information, please visit our privacy policy.